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Dec. 1, 2014
 Town of Princeton, Mass. --– Dec. 1, 2014  -- Minutes  -  BOARD OF SELECTMEN   
6:03 PM   The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Neil Sulmasy, Stan Moss, Edith Morgan and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.

New Business
Selectmen discussed request from Rutland police chief for expanded Animal Control hours, as ACO Laura Pease is putting in an average of 40 hours when 24 hours are assigned. The regional position covers Rutland, Barre and Princeton, and Pease is a Rutland employee. The BOS in Barre has approved upping the hours to 32/week. The board reviewed several points—such as a lack of capital reserve--in the Intermunicipal Agreement which states that changes in the document must be advanced by Feb. 1 for the next fiscal year.
        The board voted all in favor to recommend to Rutland’s police chief that Princeton supports an increase from 24 to 32 hours/week immediately and up to 40 hours after July 1 subject to negotiations with the other two towns, for which T.A. John L. is designated to conduct with representatives from Barry and Rutland.
6:25 PM  Wheelabrator is selling its Millbury facility and wants to lock in current municipal clients. The rate will drop from $75.66 per ton to $64/ton for 18 months. This discount is available only if at least 75 percent of communities remain as clients. The rate will increase in future years according to a consumer index formula, in an agreement that ends in 2026. The board voted all in favor to sign the new contract with the new owner “Wheelabrator Technologies” and effective immediately as John L. has received approval from town counsel.
6:40 PM  The board considered a letter of resignation from Robert Warren, who had been electrical inspector for 35 years but health issues are impeding him. John L. will draft a letter thanking him for years of service and wishing him better health. The board voted all in favor to appoint asst. wire inspector, Bruce Dunn of Holden for a term to July 1, 2015.

Other Business
John L. reported that his service as “acting” T.A. in Sterling is done as of Nov. 30 and their BOS is getting an interim T.A.
Selectmen discussed monitoring of PCBs at TP School and noted that it is in perpetuity and is covered under the building maintenance annual budget.
        It was announced that the new regional dispatch is going live at 9 AM on Tuesday and a Code RED test went through with a 76 percent successful connect to residents.

6:20 PM Meeting of BOS recessed
The board voted all in favor to recess and open the meeting of the Princeton Broadband Municipal Light Plant Board.
7:10 PM Meeting of BOS reconvened
Stan M. reported briefly on a meeting Nov. 25th with the Advisory Board and state Rep. Kim Ferguson on  regional school funding.

Minutes and Warrants
Board voted all in favor to approve regular meeting minutes for Nov. 17
They reviewed and approved vendor and payroll warrants: FY15 #11

7:23 PM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,  Marie N. Auger, administrative assistant

BOS Referenced Documents:   IM contract for ACO; email from Rutland Police Chief; letter from Robert Warren

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department